Papers, videotapes, audiotapes, photographic materials - 4 BOXES

BOX 2: 1987-1991 [ Papers ]


"Fax Arte" - Exhibition at Santa Marcelina Convert, Sao Paulo/Brazil

FF 138
Images Du Future -- Ultimatum II -- Novelles Literatures Vieux-Port De Montreal, Quebec -- Manuyscripts of Poems Sent via Bitnet to Exhibition in Montreal
FF 139
"Video Crossing -- Magical DAX" -- Pittsburgh Slowscan Script/Jim Kocher -- Diagram of Pittsburgh Performance Space/M. Wrbichan -- SSTV Diagrams sent to Sao Poulo -- Pittsburgh Press Review -- Letter to Jim Kocher/ Bruce Breland -- Summary of Prelim. Conf. Call/ Gregg Podnar -- Sao Paulo Workshop Proposal and Accompanying letter to Paulo Lautentil From Bruce Breland -- 1987
FF 140
"Electronic TOAS" -- November 1987
FF 141
Robert Dunn & Paul Sermon -- Real-Time Exchange -- 1987
FF 142
Various Images Received/Sent -- Dialogues Bob Dunn/ Paul Sermon/Robert Pepperell
-- (Dolphin Metaphor) -- 1987
FF 143
"I Send You One" DAX Participation Called "Par Avio Z" -- Publication of Work in Australian
Art Magazaine Praxis M -- 1988
FF 144
"I Send You One" DAX Contribution Titled "Par Avio Z" -- Matt Wrbican, DAX Art Director -- Originated by Paul Thomas, Neil Hollis and Benno Poeder of Media Space, Perth, Australia -- January 1988
FF 145
Original Drawing of DAX-Intermedia Studio, Rm 415A, College of Fine Arts (Referred to as 407 Annex) by Bruce Breland for "Ideas of Drawing" class -- N.D.
FF 146
Plexus -- "Il Viaggio Del Serpente" -- Letter to Sandro Dernini -- Press Release "Lettre Ouverte Auz Artistes Du Monde" (Plexus-Dakar) -- Bitnet Image Exchange -- Letter From Sandro Dernini -- 1988
FF 147
Leonardo Journal -- 1988
FF 148
Intercities Sao Paulo-Pittsburgh -- Papr Presented by Bruce Breland -- "Floating in a Telematic Culture"
-- January 25, 1988
FF 149
"Intercities Sao Paulo-Pittsburgh" -- Follow-up Letter To Jim Kocher from Artur Matuck -- Letter to Bruce Breland From Artur Matuck -- April 5, 1988, April 11, 1988
FF 150
"Intercities Sao Paulo-Pittsburgh" -- "Thought On" -- DAX Personell -- letter to Takumi Jasinschi -- January 25, 1988
FF 151
"Intercities Sao Paulo-Pittsburgh" -- Event Poster for Pittsburgh site by Jim Kocher (2 Copies) -- 1988
FF 152
"Intercities Sao Paulo-Pittsburgh" -- Outline Paper -- "Project for a Telecommunication Event" -- 0655
FF 153
"What is an Electronic Image?" -- January-February 1988
FF 154
Robert Dunn and Lisa Durk Exchange -- February/March 1988
FF 155
"Rivers Mountains Glaciers" -- Program Notes (3 Copies) -- March 20, 1988
FF 156
"Rivers, Mountains, Glaciers" -- Proposal -- March 1988
FF 157
"Rivers, Mountains, Glaciers" -- Various Papers -- March 1988
FF 158
Notated Copy, by Phile Rostek, of "Towards a Semiological Guerilla Warfare" From "Travels in Hyper-Reality" by Umberto Eco -- Also from "Science, Order And Creativity": "Dialogue and Culture" -- 1988
FF 159
"Making the Invisible Visible" The Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna -- Color Prints 1 of 2 -- 1988
FF 160
"Making the Invisible Visible" The Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna
-- Color Prints 2 of 2 -- 1988
FF 161
"Making the Invisible Visible" The Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna -- Various IPSA Messages -- February-April 1988
FF 162
"Making the Invisible Visible" The Ninth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna -- Monochrome Prints -- 1988
FF 163
"ReciPerth" -- Reciprocal Macintosh Computer-Image Exchange Via Postal Service, with Media-Space, Perth Australia -- Also Included Visitors to Matt Wrbican's MFA exhibit in the Hewlett Gallery -- June 1988
FF 164
"2621 Woche" -- 1988
FF 165
Text for Robert Dunn's MFA Exhibit -- "The Serpent Sheds Its Skin" -- May 1988
FF 166
"The Echoes of Ambiguity within Electronic Space" -- Gwent College, Caerleon, Wales -- Paul Sermon's Degree Exhibition -- 1988
FF 167
"Mind Excursion-Travelling through the Telematic Sea" -- Francophone Development Management Seminar -- University of Pittsburgh -- July 16, 1988
FF 168
"Utopiary" -- 1988
FF 169
Photocopy of "Computing in Senegal" from "The Universal Machine -- Confessions of a Technological Optimist" by Pamela McCorduck -- 1988?
FF 170
"DiskettenTypografie" -- Hypercard Stack by Koko Alsceben (of Hochschule fur angewandte Kunst, Vienna)
-- 1988
FF 171
International Artists' Network -- "Ideas of Drawing" -- MAPS: Networks and Databases By Mathias Fuchs, Lerk. Fur Komm., Vienna -- November 17, 1988
FF 172
"Autumn Allegory" -- September 1988
FF 173
Comparison of Statements by Frank Stella and Marshall McLuhan, By Phil Kostek -- Photocopy of New York Times review of "The Arts of Gaiai" by James Loveluck -- 1988
FF 174
Peter D'Agostino: Letter -- Resume -- Poster
FF 175
Ideas of drawing -- "What you Really Need to Know to Do it" -- Sean Levy -- Draft February -- Outline
-- January 1989
FF 176
Correspondences from Mathias Fuchs -- Including "City-Faces," "Music is Duty-Free" (Paper), Amiga Software (Color Images by Irene Hohenbuchler) -- "MAPS" -- 1989
FF 177
"MAPS" Printouts of Hypercard Stack and Help Stack -- Most are 2 per page -- 1988-1989
FF 178
"Ideas of Drawing" Class -- Student Computer Drawings -- 1988
FF 179
"The Odyssey" -- Floppy-Disk Cover and Instert and 1 Page Of related I.P. Sharp Text -- 1988
FF 180
"The Odyssey" -- Hypercard Project by Fortner Anderson and Henry See of Dromos Editions, Montreal -- Printouts of Cards (2 nearly complete sets) -- 1989
FF 181
Earth Day Slowscan Exchange -- April 22, 1989
FF 182
1992 Christopher Columbus Day Event -- Photocopies of Telefaxes -- 1989
FF 183
1992 Christopher Columbus Day Event -- Meeting Minutes Other Memos, Proposals
-- March 10,20,31 & April 6 1989
FF 184
Letter to Bruce Breland From Beatriz Aulet, Director of The Center for the Development of the Visual Arts, Ministry Of Culture, Cuba -- May 5, 1989
FF 185
""Aspects of Gaia -- Digital Paths Across the Globe" -- Ars Electronica, Linz
-- Photocopy of Catalog (2 copies) -- 1989
FF 186
"Aspects of Gaia -- Digital Paths Across the Globe" -- Ars Electronica -- Thank-you from Dean Lowry Burgess -- Public Relations Material -- Review in British newspaper -- Gregg Podnar's "Bridge" -- I.P. Sharp Messages -- Very Early Diagram of installation in CFA -- Invitation from Roy Ascott -- 1989
FF 187

"Digital Path Across the Globe" Ars Electronica -- Bruckner Haus, Linz, Austria -- Texts -- 1989
FF 188
"Digital Path Across the Globe" Ars Electronica -- Bruckner Haus, Linz, Austria -- Monochrome Prints -- 1989
FF 189
"Digital Path Across the Globe" Ars Electronica -- Bruckner Haus, Linz, Austria -- Monochrome Prints 2 -- 1989
FF 190
"Digital Path Across the Globe" Ars Electronica -- Bruckner Haus, Linz, Austria -- Monochrome Prints 3 -- 1989
"Aspects of Gaia: Digital Paths Across the Globe" -- Correspondence -- Press Release -- 1989
FF 191
"Aspects of Gaia: Digital Paths Across the Globe" -- 2 Color Printouts and Color Photograph reproduced in Carnegie Mellon Magazine -- September 1989
FF 192
"Network Highlights and Initiatives" Compiled by Robert Dunn -- August 21, 1989
FF 193
Professor Luis Camino's Visit -- October 1989
FF 194
"Interactive" Computer Disk Mailing Project by Paul Thomas of Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Australia
-- 2 copies each of 9 -- 1990
FF 195
Abstract of Paper Presented by Bruce Breland to the College art Association in New York City "Mind Excursion, Travelling Through the Telematic Sea, The Artist as a Cultural Navigator" -- February 1990
FF 196
Collaboration is not a Spectator Sport -- Poster by Matt Wrbican -- Photo of CMU Football Field Grandstand Demolition -- Poster for Phil Kostek's Visit Artist Presentation to Intermedia Class
-- February 1989-1990
FF 197
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Various Papers -- April 22, 1990
FF 198
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Material Received from Dr. Paulo Laurentil, Brazil for Catalog
-- 1990
FF 199
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Preliminary Test Fax from Helmut Weihemann, HAK, Vienna
-- April 10, 1990
FF 200
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Faxes Transmitted from Pittsburgh
-- Large Fax Transmitted from Pittsburgh -- 1990
FF 201
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Acid-Free Photocopies of small Telefaxes Received in
Pittsburgh -- 1990
FF 202
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Faxes Received in Pittsburgh (small size) -- 1990
FF 203
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Faxes Transmitted from Pittsburgh -- Felt-tip Marker -- 1990
FF 204
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" 6 Earth Gem Prints on Color Paper
(2 Each of Red, Green, and Blue) By Matt Wrbican and Alison Hunt Smith -- 1990
FF 205
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Printout Of most of the Art-Com Electronic Network Tests -- by Tim Anderson -- 1990
FF 206
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Proposal To publish Catalog -- By Wendy Plesniak,
Studio for Creative Inquiry -- November 15, 1990
FF 207
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" Catalog By Matt Wrbican -- June-November 1990
FF 208
"Earth Day '90 Global Network and Impromptu" I.P. Sharp Texts -- 1990
FF 209
New Observations Magazine, Issue 76 -- Guest Editor, Bruce Breland -- DAX group Layout by Matt Wrbican
-- May 15-June 30, 1990
FF 210
New Observations Magazine, Issue 76 -- Layout Dummies -- May 15-June 30, 1990
FF 211
"DAX-Dakar D'Accord" -- Proposal to Inaugurate the Goree-Almadies Memorial Celebration/Network Pittsburgh/Dakar -- Request for Travel Funds -- Letter From Rockefeller Foundation -- June, July, March 1990
FF 212
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Letters -- 1988-1990
FF 213
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Wolof Language Conversational Papers from U.S. Embassy -- July 1990
FF 214
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Various Papers -- July 1990
FF 215
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Titles for Slowscan Exchange by Bruce Breland and Matt Wrbican -- July 1990
FF 216
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Original Drawings by Matt Wrbican used in Slowscan Exchange -- The Phrase "Nice to See You" Spelled with the Wolof Language Picture Lexicon
-- July 1990
FF 217
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Telefax Sent to CMU From Dakar Explaining use of Wolof Picture Lexicon
for Slowscan Exchange -- 1990
FF 218
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Letter and Citation Award from Africa Network -- Kwanzaa Honor List
-- January 1990-1991
FF 219
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Announcement Flyer and Minutes for Presentation of Project to Global Electronic Networking Lab at University of Pittsburgh -- November 20, 1990
FF 220
Dakar D'Accord -- Goree Song -- Journal of Bruce Taylor -- 1990
FF 221
Dakar D'Accord -- Publicity Flyer for Videotape Presentation -- Spanish Translation used for Presentation in Santiago, Chile -- Translation by Andres Tapia-Urzua -- Design by Matt Wrbican -- 1990
FF 222
"Fax Arte" Exhibition at Santa Marcelina Convent, Sao Paulo -- Photocopy of Flyer -- June 18-30, 1990
FF 223
Fusion Book -- 3 Copies of Initial Submitted Page by Matt Wrbican -- August 1990
FF 224
Art Com Magazine -- Interview of Bruce Breland and Matt Wrbican with additional comments by
Robert Dunn, Phil Rostek, Autumn Farole, and others -- August 1990
FF 225
"City Portraits" -- Various Papers -- Small Size -- 1990-1991
FF 226
Interfaces -- Slowscan TV Titles, Description and Instructions by Matt Wrbican
-- Telefax Correspondence -- 1990
FF 227
Hitachi Proposal rough draft -- November 1990
FF 228
Art Com Magazine -- partial transcripts of interview of Breland and Wrbican by Tim Anderson and
Wendy Plesniak -- 1990
FF 229
Review of DAX group activity -- Compiled by Bruce Breland as of December 11, 1990
-- Includes most major Events -- 1982-1990
FF 230
International Festival of Telecommunications Art -- Art's Birthday -- I.P. Sharp Tests etc. -- 1991
FF 231
"Art's Birthday" -- International Festival of Telecommunications Art -- Telefaxes sent and received -- 1991
FF 232
"Reversing the Lens System: Crossing a 'Breakboundry'... The Long Reach and the Perilous Journey, the DAX Group in 1991" -- Manuscript for Leonardo Magazine by Bruce Breland -- January 31, 1991
FF 233
Art's Birthday/Texts, Bombs, and Videotape -- Front Magazine, Vancouver -- March/April Issue -- 1991
FF 234
Bruce Breland's "Autobiographical Review" -- March 5, 1991
FF 235
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- I.P. Sharp Network Texts -- January-April 1991
FF 236
"Journeys into the Zone" -- Bitnet Texts -- February 1991
FF 237
"Journeys into the Zone" -- Bitnet Texts -- March 1991
FF 238
"Journeys into the Zone" -- Bitnet Texts -- April 1991
FF 239
"Journeys into the Zone" -- Related Papers -- Exhibition Brochures -- Schedules -- Press Resleases -- CMU SFCI Newsletter -- In Pittsburgh Newsweekly mention
-- March 23-April 20, 1991
FF 240
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- 2 Fax-Murals by Jeff Brice of Seattle
-- March 12 and March 23, 1991
FF 241
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- 2 Fax murals and Related cover sheets by Phil Rostek
-- 1991
FF 242
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- Co-creating "global Icons" for the new
World Order -- April 1991
FF 243
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
-- Faxes Received -- 1991
FF 244
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
-- Faxes Sent -- 1991
FF 245
"Texts, Bombs, and Videotape: Journeys into the Zone" -- Phil Rostek's Drawings for
Slowscan-TV Performance -- April 20, 1991
FF 246
Phil Rostek -- Letter to Breland and Wrbican -- N.D.
FF 247
Matt Wrbican -- MFA Thesis -- "The Intertwining of Planetary Ecology and Telematic Art Works
(The Best Attitude is Like Water...)" -- May 1, 1991
FF 248
"Network Planetario" 42nd Venice Biennale -- Bruce Breland's 40-page Fax Mural -- 1986
FF 249
"La Plissure Du Texte" -- Artex Log-off Data -- December 1983
FF 250
"La Plissure Du Texte" -- Original copies of DAX (Gekko) Contributions -- December 1983
FF 251
I.P. Sharp Associates -- Publications -- Applications Software, A Company Profile, Magic for Time Series
Analysis -- 1979-1981
FF 252
I.P. Sharp and Associates -- Publication -- Public Databases Catalog and Letter -- 1982
FF 253
"Network Planetario" 42nd Venice Biennale -- Partial Printout of Artex Messages -- 1986
FF 254
"Network Planetario" 42nd Venice Biennale -- Text by Jim Kocher -- July 1986
FF 255
"Network Planetario" 42nd Venice Biennale -- Pavda front page verbs. -- 1986

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